Friday 3 November 2023



Group Name Rationale

GROUP 6 henceforth known as "The Second People" ๐Ÿ˜„is the name the group collectively agreed on. The name first started off as a joke but soon grew on us. We know that we are a callaloo of our history and definitely not the true second people that came to Trinidad and Tobago. However we are a representation of our forefathers that came via slavery, migration, indentureship and colonialism. We are the people that occupy our land that continue to keep our history alive and form our own. We act as the voice of the first people in this space (Caribbean Lab) to appreciate, educate and inform our peers the rich history that the First people left behind and what exist today.



Friday 27th October, 2023 worked perfectly in our favor! When everything aligns and all that you need just drops in your lap, that’s a beautiful feeling, some call it luck, others would simply say that you were prepared for the opportunity and capitalized on it. However, no matter how you view it, on Friday 27th October our guest speaker was no other than Chief Ricardo Barath Hernandez of the Santa Rosa First Peoples’ Organization. Why is this perfect, because as you know our group assignment is about the First Peoples of Trinidad & Tobago.

Every single sub topic was covered during this discourse, we were able to ask questions thus turning the speech into an interview. We now have quality, pertinent information directly from the head and a person with undoubted ancestral links. Every team member is now operating with liquid gold, and as the time draws closer to the end, we are very sure that we will produce a high quality product.

The story is both a beautiful one and a sad one. The injustices faced by the rich indigenous culture is numerous, but the legacy lives on and today we can still appreciate a section of history that has undoubtedly shaped our society for the better. We have already begun to compile our various topics into a single document, and have been brainstorming creative ways of presenting our findings to the class. Since most of us have completed our research, all that seems to be left is discussion and working on our presentation.

Adrian was able to complete his Historical Overview and this was submitted and pretty soon everyone will be uploading theirs for final edits. We plan to utilise the skill set of our richly talented group members to bring this presentation to life.

Anastazia has been able to collect a heavy amount of information despite her previous struggles, and is satisfied with her work. All she is doing is some last editing before she adds her piece to the main document.


 Aaqil searched high and low to establish the early locations of the First People but was able to gather some intel on their early inhabitance. Now is just to put it together and insert it into our main document. Our presentation will definitely be a unique experience for all.

Debra is almost complete in her research area- music and dance influence of the First People. There was once concern on where the topic should focus on the influence as it pertains to Trinidad and Tobago or the Caribbean. However it was decided that given that this is Caribbean Lab then the research will encompass other islands where information was found such as Guyana and Dominican Republic

Next Steps

The group been regularly interacting on whatsApp however we would like to have a google meet to plan our presentation. Our next step is to pull the information together and determine how we would present it to our classmates. We also need to understand what is the time limit for the presentation so that we can manage our time and determine from the wealth of information we collected, what is pertinent

Final thoughts

The group feels positive about the project and this course as a whole. We have been able to gain a greater appreciation for our culture and this project has also helped us to better lean to work together as a team despite being from different art forms.

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